Sunday 9 August 2015

                                     Yogi Bus Driver – Release

Letting go is something most of us don't like.
How do you feel about releasing?

Even things we don't like or want, such as bad habits or stress, tension or mood swings, are hard to release, or let go of, aren’t they?

Things that we like? Well, we just want to hold on to those things forever!
Even if they are bad for us.
Even if they are harmful.
Even if they are destructive!

We seem to like what we know, and know what we jolly-well like!

It's almost out of our control.
Obsessive. Compulsive. Habitual.
We just love the familiarity of our habits.
We like routine and structure.
Our patterns are reassuring and are comfortable and comforting. They make us feel safe.

But what happens when we step out of our comfort zone? Heaven forbid!

Well, you know what? Here’s a very deep secret…
When we do make a change in our lives or take a chance, we come alive.

That's right folks, this is the moment we come out of autopilot and start to become aware of things around us. We treat people differently; we notice the feelings of others, the events around us, the breeze on our face, and the movements of the elements. We see the bigger picture.

A shift of consciousness takes place when we have the courage to do something new.

The world changes colour, well, not literally, although, sometimes it actually does. We influence people, places and things when we are present in the moment, interacting with life.

These are the moments when we are truly alive, and actually living. Not stagnant and dry, robotic clones!

So why do we hold on so tightly?
What is it that cripples us, compelling us to repeat, over and over again, constantly repeating?
Even when we know it's wrong? Even when we want to change? Somehow we can't. It's like a form of twisted, self-sabotage, or suicide of the Soul.

The answer is quite simple.
It's FEAR.

Fear of the unknown. Fear of failure.
Fear of what others might think. Fear of looking like a fool...

This 'fear' thing controls us against our will. We are locked in its claws, frozen by its seemingly terrifying potential. Restricted by its grasp.
Fear drives us on a daily basis, denying us, reducing our possibilities, and draining our creativity. It suppresses our drive and enthusiasm. It douses our fire of vibrancy.

But what is fear?
What are we afraid of, really?

Well, the old favourite acronym is:-
F - false
E - evidence
A - appearing
R - real

Is it really that simple?
Is fear really false? ‘Cos, boy, sometimes it doesn’t feel false!

Well, all fear is based on loss.
I may fear losing my mobile phone. It might be my car that I am afraid will be stolen, or my credit card.

These things are physical, and can be replaced, but what about if it's my pride or dignity I have fear of losing? What about if it's friends I don't want to lose or family members? And of course, no one wants to lose an eye or limb, let along their memory, or whole body! These things bring truck-loads of fear into our lives.

Now, what would you say to me if I told you that actually, (you have nothing?) / nothing belongs to you?
That it is an illusion that you own any of the things above?
That you are merely a temporary trustee of all of these things, including your own body? All are transitory and fleeting. All are momentary, and with you for a short period of time.

Do you feel better in the knowledge of this? Well you should, because it you don’t own anything, it means that you cannot lose anything, as it was never yours in the first place.

Hey presto, no more FEAR.
Happy days :-)

Oh yeah, did I mention that you are also eternal, living, conscious light/energy that never ends, but just continues to travel through time? …Well you are.

Now, it's easy to release isn't it? Lol.
It's a nice story isn't it? And it sure helps to become free from fear.

Try it out for a while, and see how your life changes. And drop me a line if you like it :-) What’s your experience?

This happens to be the final post on this particular Blog site, I so will release,


But if you liked the ideas in these posts, come and join me at my new address:-

and here

Or, if you want to go deeper, deeper and deeper still, check our my new book, Soul Journey of a Yogi Bus Driver, which is available at the new site.

Hope to speak to you soon,
Best wishes, as always,

Yogi Bus Driver
(aka Simon Ralph)

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