Sunday 9 August 2015

                                     Yogi Bus Driver – Release

Letting go is something most of us don't like.
How do you feel about releasing?

Even things we don't like or want, such as bad habits or stress, tension or mood swings, are hard to release, or let go of, aren’t they?

Things that we like? Well, we just want to hold on to those things forever!
Even if they are bad for us.
Even if they are harmful.
Even if they are destructive!

We seem to like what we know, and know what we jolly-well like!

It's almost out of our control.
Obsessive. Compulsive. Habitual.
We just love the familiarity of our habits.
We like routine and structure.
Our patterns are reassuring and are comfortable and comforting. They make us feel safe.

But what happens when we step out of our comfort zone? Heaven forbid!

Well, you know what? Here’s a very deep secret…
When we do make a change in our lives or take a chance, we come alive.

That's right folks, this is the moment we come out of autopilot and start to become aware of things around us. We treat people differently; we notice the feelings of others, the events around us, the breeze on our face, and the movements of the elements. We see the bigger picture.

A shift of consciousness takes place when we have the courage to do something new.

The world changes colour, well, not literally, although, sometimes it actually does. We influence people, places and things when we are present in the moment, interacting with life.

These are the moments when we are truly alive, and actually living. Not stagnant and dry, robotic clones!

So why do we hold on so tightly?
What is it that cripples us, compelling us to repeat, over and over again, constantly repeating?
Even when we know it's wrong? Even when we want to change? Somehow we can't. It's like a form of twisted, self-sabotage, or suicide of the Soul.

The answer is quite simple.
It's FEAR.

Fear of the unknown. Fear of failure.
Fear of what others might think. Fear of looking like a fool...

This 'fear' thing controls us against our will. We are locked in its claws, frozen by its seemingly terrifying potential. Restricted by its grasp.
Fear drives us on a daily basis, denying us, reducing our possibilities, and draining our creativity. It suppresses our drive and enthusiasm. It douses our fire of vibrancy.

But what is fear?
What are we afraid of, really?

Well, the old favourite acronym is:-
F - false
E - evidence
A - appearing
R - real

Is it really that simple?
Is fear really false? ‘Cos, boy, sometimes it doesn’t feel false!

Well, all fear is based on loss.
I may fear losing my mobile phone. It might be my car that I am afraid will be stolen, or my credit card.

These things are physical, and can be replaced, but what about if it's my pride or dignity I have fear of losing? What about if it's friends I don't want to lose or family members? And of course, no one wants to lose an eye or limb, let along their memory, or whole body! These things bring truck-loads of fear into our lives.

Now, what would you say to me if I told you that actually, (you have nothing?) / nothing belongs to you?
That it is an illusion that you own any of the things above?
That you are merely a temporary trustee of all of these things, including your own body? All are transitory and fleeting. All are momentary, and with you for a short period of time.

Do you feel better in the knowledge of this? Well you should, because it you don’t own anything, it means that you cannot lose anything, as it was never yours in the first place.

Hey presto, no more FEAR.
Happy days :-)

Oh yeah, did I mention that you are also eternal, living, conscious light/energy that never ends, but just continues to travel through time? …Well you are.

Now, it's easy to release isn't it? Lol.
It's a nice story isn't it? And it sure helps to become free from fear.

Try it out for a while, and see how your life changes. And drop me a line if you like it :-) What’s your experience?

This happens to be the final post on this particular Blog site, I so will release,


But if you liked the ideas in these posts, come and join me at my new address:-

and here

Or, if you want to go deeper, deeper and deeper still, check our my new book, Soul Journey of a Yogi Bus Driver, which is available at the new site.

Hope to speak to you soon,
Best wishes, as always,

Yogi Bus Driver
(aka Simon Ralph)

Monday 6 July 2015

Yogi Bus Driver - Freedom

Everyone wants freedom.
Would you say it was fair to say that?

There are many varieties of freedom.
There are plenty of opinions as to exactly what freedom entails.

Freedom of speech.
Freedom of expression.
Freedom of belief, or thinking.
Freedom to be, or, not to be...

Freedom has a high price these days, and freedom is becoming ever more elusive each day as the world becomes more and more chaotic!

So, what exactly is freedom?

Is 'freedom', to do whatever you want to do, whenever you want to do it?
Is it to be free to do nothing? Or is it to be free to do everything?
Well, actually, I was a big fan of doing nothing in my younger days, thinking that  it was my free choice to do so. But, it was often at the expense of the freedom of others, and in hindsight, my own freedom as well! If I do whatever I like, whenever I like, how will that affect everyone else?
Who will pay the price for my freedom?

At a certain point in my life, and much to my horror, I realised that there can only be true freedom when there is a system or structure to express it within. Seems a bit strange I know, and a bit of a paradox at first glance, but it is in fact true. For, it is only when a system is in place, that there can be an equal expression of freedom by everyone.

Freedom to be safe or secure can only exist if all are observing the rules or code of conduct, as subtle as they may be, in a natural and harmonic way. In fact, when this is practised by the masses, it will feel as if there are no rules, and that natural law takes over in order to uphold the good of the many, or indeed the good of all. This would be a golden age of awareness.

This state of awareness, or we could say consciousness, is the blueprint for global peace. A peace that is long lasting, and unconditional, universal and inclusive. Truly, this awareness is our natural state of being. It is just that we have forgotten it.

It is the very foundation of our original reality, the basic building blocks of the self, the fabric of our identity and the life force of the Soul. The Soul is the truth that we are. We are Soul primarily and eternally, and, secondly, we have a body, and that body is temporary. It will finish at some point. The Soul never finishes, it just continues on its journey.

This really is a Soul Journey.

True freedom is experienced only in this state an awareness.
I am only really free when I can lose nothing, and it's only in the state of soul consciousness that I am above any form of loss.

We, over at, have spent many years reflecting on the idea of freedom, and eventually realised that the only limitations to our own freedom are held within our own minds, and within the collective consciousness of the minds of the whole.

We have also recently launched an initiative called the Freedom Project, which offers suggestions,
support, tips and clues, in the form of video, stills and text, focused on ways to unchain our own potential, and to really experience true freedom in this moment.

If you are interested to get involved, and to be part of the energy that helps push human consciousness over the tipping point of the cliff-edge, so to speak, towards freedom, and a life of liberation, head over and leave a comment.

Let's see what we can do together...?

Saturday 27 June 2015

Yogi Bus Driver - International Yoga Day

Yogi Bus Driver - International Yoga Day

Well, I didn't see this one coming, did you?
But, what a brilliant invention.

The 21st June, which is the longest day of the year in the Northern Hemisphere, known as the Summer Solstice, marks the transition from Uttarayan to Dakshinayana. Uttarayan, which begins on the shortest day, the Winter Solstice, marks the turning of the sun back to the north and longer days; with Dakshinayana, the longest day, marking the turning of the sun towards the south, and shorter days. The Solstices are a part of the rhythm of the earth, from striving to flowering, from Dakshinayana, the time of doing, to Uttarayan, the time of reaping the natural harvest that comes from the doing.

The first full moon after Summer Solstice is known as Guru Poornima, and in the yogic lore, is the first transmission of yoga by Shiva, the first Guru. This day is also considered a time when there is natural support for those pursuing spiritual practices.

I am pleased to say that from this year on, it will also now be known as, ‘International Yoga Day’.

The idea was the inspiration of the Indian Prime Minister, Mr Narendra Modi. He asked the world leaders to adopt an International Yoga Day, saying that by changing our lifestyle and creating consciousness, it can help us deal with climate change. Modi said, “Let us work towards adopting an International Yoga Day,” He noted that Yoga is “an invaluable gift of our ancient tradition”. He added, “It is not about exercise but to discover the sense of oneness with yourself, the world and the nature.”

“Yoga embodies unity of mind and body; thought and action; restraint and fulfilment; harmony between man and nature; a holistic approach to health and well-being,” he concluded. And very well said indeed, don’t you think?

This year, 190 countries around the world joined the celebrations, and demonstrated the practical benefits of Yoga in its many forms. Such a show of unity is both a wonder, and an inspiration.
Yoga has been around for at least 2000 years, and some say as much as 5000 years, but I'm not so sure about that. However, there is definitely great benefit in all its forms. Whether it is yoga asanas, which are body postures, pranayama, which is breathing technic, or meditation, which, in my opinion is the king of yoga, and addresses and empowers the very aspect of who we truly are, the Soul.

The Soul is the fundamental part of our essence, it is the pin-point of our consciousness, it is the basis of all our experiences and it is the foundation of life itself. Without the soul, the body becomes merely a carcass!

When we nurture this part of who we are, we a capable if amazing things.
We can transform our bad habits, actions and way of thinking.
We can reform our behaviour, our attitude and out intentions, which is the basis of self-transformation, and so transformation of the world in general.

Mr Modi spoke of yoga being able to help in controlling climate change, but that is actually just the tip if the iceberg. Yoga is the only way to bring lasting peace into the world. Yoga is ‘connection’; firstly to the self, and then to The Source, The Divine

This year, many yoga Centres from around the UK participated in the event on 21st June. The main event took place at the Alexandra Palace, an historic entertainment venue built in 1873, standing in 7.5 acres of parkland near Muswell Hill in North London. Proceedings began at 6am and continued till 8 pm, with activities such as, Salute to the Sun, Mindfulness, Cool Slim Yoga, Mantra Chanting, The Art of Graceful Transitions, Boxing Yoga and of course Meditation. 

The finale was conducted by the Brahma Kumaris, in the form of a deep experience of Easy Raja Yoga Meditation, an open-eyed contemplation of the real self, the shining star at the centre of the forehead, and your connection with the Supreme Soul.

Let us know if you were there, and how you enjoyed it…

Friday 19 June 2015

Yogi Bus Driver - Retreat

Yogi Bus Driver - Retreat

Retreat – the act of moving back or withdrawing. The act or process of moving back or away, especially from something hazardous, formidable, or unpleasant: made a retreat from hectic city life to the country.
This is the dictionary definition of the word, but it means something completely different to me, and indeed to millions of other people around the world.
Retreats are becoming very popular, and to go on 'a retreat' for a long weekend, a few days or even a week is the latest wave in the pursuit of wellbeing.

These ‘Retreats’ often take place in a country location, by the sea side, or high up in the mountains, where you can find positive eating, high nutrition, relaxation, spa and quality-lifestyle themes. Sometimes its exercises, stretching or yoga session; sometimes its lectures, workshops or a talk that makes up the format, or perhaps silence, cleansing or even fasting. The focus can be on breathing, walking, stillness, or mindfulness.

I myself am a big fan of retreats, and have been attending them for nearly two decades, as well as hosting and facilitating them for over eight years. For me, they are a times of peace and tranquillity, of space to reflect and reconnect with myself, away from the normal routine of things. A chance to practice extra yoga or meditation that is not normally possible in the busy lives that we lead in urban city centres, surrounded by responsibilities and expectations, and others vying for our constant attention.
I have recently returned from a trip to France, where I attend a retreat three times a year. These retreats are normally for 5 days or so, and take place on the edge of a small village 50km south of Paris. These particular retreats are very much meditation based; with a short class in the morning followed by a healthy breakfast, and a walk in the surrounding countryside and fields. The rest of the day is made up of introversion, reflection and meditation.
The meditation is the ‘open-eyed’ version called Raja Yoga, and lasts for a full 12 hours each day. It is, quite frankly, mind-blowingly powerful! Although the expectation is not to stay sitting in meditation constantly for the entire period of time, the 'fire' of yoga remains ‘alight’ as it were, and acts as a cleansing energy that eliminates the inner self of negativity. Whenever I am present in the 'bhatti' or 'furnace', there is a real feeling of purification of the soul, and a subtle harmonisation with others who are participating in the group. This creates a sense of unity which becomes the foundation for great things.
The energy created within the bhatti is amazingly powerful and energising. It is like plugging into the Supreme Source of power and positive energy that is constantly radiating light onto the Earth.

In fact it was so strong during this last retreat that I was only able to sleep 2-3 hours per day. There was simply too much energy in my body to sleep any more than that! I actually had to allow this energy to flow out of me into the world, and indeed into the elements, as well as other souls. In this way the bhatti worked like a power receiver/transmitter that was energising the planet with Divine light.
My personal experience was that of euphoria, bliss and lightness. There was, at one point, a peak-experience of 'perfection', whereby, everything was in its highest state of potential; everything was harmonic, completely clear and beautiful. I was suddenly overwhelmed by both joy and understand.  I realised that the experience just could not get any better! Then, just as that thought came, after a 4 and a half hour session of almost no thoughts, a warm wind blew through the open windows and caressed my skin, and my entire body was cradled in a perfect embrace with nature and the elements. It was as though the entire Earth was co-operating with me in those timeless moments. It was a gift, a wonder...
In those moments, I realised that the ‘true’ retreat is a state of awareness, and in that spilt second, I could see with clarity that it is not a location, building or a place. It is the reconnection with the spiritual self, and its relationship with the Source, nature, and others. It is the dance of life itself.

So, when is your next retreat...?

Monday 1 June 2015

Yogi Bus Driver – ‘Distance Communication’

'Communication lets me down', a big ‘fave’ of mine from the 80's you know.
Tony Hadley, of Spandau Ballet, if I'm not very much mistaken? Yes, I know, I'm really showing my age now, but it's what came into my mind when I started thinking about this blog.

Well it does, doesn't it? Let us down I mean.
Communication breakdown is the cause of conflict between individuals, couples, families, groups, countries, and continents. It is the single biggest problem on the planet. It’s misunderstandings that fuel wars. Solving them would be the solution to world peace, for sure J.

So, what are we doing about it?
How are we approaching it?

Communication over long distances has shrunk the world.
Firstly this took place through letters, (or smoke signals maybe?)  being delivered by horseman or stagecoach or even in person. (The pigeon was another method of delivery, but this was to convey rather short messages.)
Imagine the revolution the invention of the telephone made; it began to change people's lives, and their horizons. That was as recently as 1876!

"Talkin' 'Bout a Revolution" (Tracy Chapman 1988), and there really was a revolution in the year this song was released, because mobile phones showed up, and began to catch on very quickly (well maybe a little earlier than this).
Come to think about it, Captain James T. Kirk of the Star ship ‘Enterprise’ had one way back in the sixties. Do you remember those first Star Trek TV shows? They had 'intercoms', yes, this was the first the world saw of 'flip-top' mobile phones.
How did they know?? Very forward thinking…

Oh dear, we are having a bit of a ‘Bus Trip down memory lane’ with this blog aren't we?
Funny how thoughts get triggered by reference points that open up an Aladdin’s Cave of memories, locked away in the ' time-capsule' of our minds.

Back to the programme.
Communication, where was I?
Ah, yes, mobile phones. A blessing or a curse?

Well, from their brick-like beginnings, to the thin slice of glass that they have become, mobile phones led the way in distance communication. Until now...

The arrival of the Internet around 1982 changed everything.
(Do you know, I hardly use phone calls at all as a way to communicate now? Email and text messaging is far easier, and less intrusive. This seems to be a trend as statistics show that Smartphone owners aged 18-24 now send and receive 4,000 messages per month, that’s staggering isn’t it! And now, 4 billion people in the world use text messaging compared with 3.5 billion using email, although this is thought to exceed over 4 billion by end of 2015.)

The Internet is now King, and is everywhere, all the time, in all directions, instantly, that is, if you can afford high-speed broadband. (My feeling is that the Internet will be free soon as we are so dependent on it, and actually, we are being controlled, and conditioned through it.)
This is ‘unlimited’ distance communication, but, I am not even going to go there today, I'll save that for another blog...
I would, however, like to leave you with one thought though.
Captain Kirk was ahead of his time, or maybe he was behind? After all he is in our future. His 'intercom' is way out of date now; Android devices and the iPhone make it look like an antique!
By the time we get to his 'star date', distance communication will have taken a quantum leap, and will perhaps be inside of us?
Maybe first in the form of hardware chips, but for sure, by Kirk’s era of ‘boldly going where no man has gone before’, distance communication will have gone beyond electronics, and will be through pure consciousness.
By then, perhaps telepathy could be our main mode of communication...
Now there’s a thought…

What do you think?

Saturday 23 May 2015

Yogi Bus Driver - 'It's a Girl...'

Yogi Bus Driver - 'It's a Girl...'

Last month was a special month. A ray of light shone into the world.
It hailed the arrival of a new Princess. That's right folks, a real Princess. Not a film about a princess or a princess West End stage-show, but a real life Crowned-Princess.

It is almost 65 years since the birth of the last Royal Princess (Princess Anne in 1950), and this birth marks the beginning of girl-power within the Royal Family. This new princess will have new rights allowing her to hold her place in line to the throne, and not be leapfrogged by any younger male sibling. This is a brand new ruling by The Queen herself.
Weighing in at 8lbs and 3ozs in old money, that's about 3.7kg if I'm not very much mistaken, Her Royal Highness Princess Charlotte Elizabeth Diana of Cambridge is forth in line to the throne. She has the potential of being the most wealthy woman in the world, i.e. The Queen of England, and it is said that by the age of 10, she will be worth a billion pounds.
Can you imagine coming onto a stage and playing the role of a princess of England?
Yes, there will be the splendour, the privilege, the wealth, the honour and the royalty, but what about the duty, responsibility, engagements, tours, openings, and appearances, not to mention all that waving, and smiling and a bit of hand shaking and all the red carpets, private yachts, and first class travel? It really is quite a job.

Something that I could never quite understand or come to terms with when I was a kid was this, ' Who said that they could be royal anyway?'
I never quite got it how the first king and queen came to be, well, king and queen?
Did someone suggest that they try it out to see if they were any good at it?
Or if they like it?
Did they just appoint themselves as 'Self Proclaimed' king and queen!?
Now, with age, and a little bit of maturity and wisdom, I realise that whatever comes to us in this lifetime, is something that we have created before we got here.
Sound strange?
Well, consider this.
Every action I perform is an energy of creation. These actions are seeds that I plant, and once ripe, they give a return, the fruit, you could say.
If the return is good, then it means that I planted good seeds in the past. The past means before, and maybe this 'before' is a 'before' this lifetime’s experience. The seeds may have been planted consciously, or they may well have been planted sub-consciously. But, they were definitely planted. It is even possible that they were planted unconsciously.

I know it's hard to grasp, but think about it logically, nothing comes into being without a cause, that is, except God of course! The ‘affect’, is the result of the initial action, the ‘cause’, and actions manifest into being over time.
So it would seem that our new Princess Charlotte has done something good in the past, so is now enjoying the rewards, or fruits of those things, and will continue to do so in the future, or not, as the case may be. It is all perfect and accurate, and all is well, and good, and all is fine and dandy.

The baby princess, of course, will not have a clue about what awaits her. But she will grow up to be the most famous princess in the world. This is perhaps the dream of many little girls at one point in their lives, but, for Princess Charlotte, it is reality...